How to Easily Build a Website with WordPress – Free Drag and Drop Website Builder

Creating a website can be a daunting task. There are a lot of tools out there that claim to make the process of building a website easier, but few solutions are as versatile as Wordpress. With WordPress, creating a website is as easy as creating a blog post – you can literally start from scratch in a matter of minutes, and end up with a functioning website that you can customise to your liking.

WordPress boasts a massive community of people who are more than happy to help you out with any technical aspect of website building – from brainstorming ideas to debugging tech gremlins. Plus, the open-source nature of Wordpress means that it can be accessed and used by anyone, even those without any programming knowledge. In this article, we’ll tell you about one of the most useful features of Wordpress – the free, drag and drop website builder. We’ll also give you some great tips on how to use this tool to create a functional, stylish website, even if you’re a complete beginner.

Free, Drag and Drop Website Builder

The Wordpress website builder is built on a framework known as Django. When you install Wordpress, you’ll see that it comes with a built-in Django web server, which is why you can literally launch a website in a matter of minutes. To better understand what this means, imagine you’ve just bought a shiny new laptop – the kind with a big screen, a fancy keyboard and an impressive speaker system. Now imagine that you want to use this laptop to create a website, but you’ve never done so before. What would you do?

Would you open up Microsoft Word, create a new document and start typing away? Or would you prefer to use the Wordpress website builder, which comes with your laptop? When you launch the Wordpress website builder, a Django-powered interface will appear, asking you to either create a new website or to import one you’ve already created.

As we’ve established, WordPress is highly compatible with Python – the language used to create the Django framework – and it offers a wealth of features designed to make creating websites easier. One such feature is the Visual Editor, a visual content-editing tool that allows you to quickly and easily draft web content, including website copy, product listings, social media posts and more.

Here’s where things get interesting. Since Wordpress is built on the Django framework, all web content you create with it will be hosted on a Django-powered web server. What this means is that your web content will be compatible with most modern browsers – including mobile devices – and will easily scale to match the size of your audience. What’s more is that your Wordpress-generated website will be search-engine optimised and will enjoy all the benefits that come with being on the internet.

Use The Force

One of the things that makes the Wordpress website builder so useful is that it allows you to use the powerful force known as gravity. Once you’ve launched your Wordpress website, you can use the force to pull in posts from your blog, collections of product reviews, FAQs, how-tos and more. Naturally, the number of posts you can pull in is limitless – gravity works in much the same way that the Star Wars force works in that your website will pull in content from all over the web.

There’s also the option to customise the layout and appearance of your website with the help of a bunch of bootstrap-based templates. When you pull in content using gravity, the layout and appearance of your website will be completely customizable – all you need to do is edit the template files, which are basic HTML in nature, and you’re good to go.

Make It Mobile First

As we’ve established, Wordpress is built on the Django framework, which in turn is built on PHP, so naturally it hosts several mobile-friendly templates. This means that users can access your website on the go, thanks to mobile devices and the wondrous world of responsive web design.

What’s more is that Wordpress offers several mobile-friendly plugins that can be used to customise the behaviour of your website on the go. For example, you can add a mobile-friendly search box, enable comment posting, add fancy sidebars, or add a full calendar to your website. In short, Wordpress is an absolute perfection when it comes to creating a mobile-ready website.

Get Inspired

With Wordpress, you have access to all the features and functionalities offered by the Django framework and the PHP-powered Wordpress itself. This means that you have a wealth of choice when it comes to getting inspired by your favorite artist or author.

What’s more is that the Wordpress website builder encourages you to get inspired by the biggest names in literature and art. To that end, there’s a ton of free Wordpress templates to choose from – ranging from bootstrap templates that you can use to create a functional website to fully-fledged online stores that come with all the features you could need, including inventory management, shipping options and more.

Now, we’re not suggesting that you jump right into creating a website on a whim. There are several steps you must take before you start creating content for your website. For example, you should pick a niche, find a symbol or theme for your site, come up with a slogan and much more.

Choose A Niche

To really make the most of your Wordpress-created website, you should choose a niche. A niche is simply a small topic or area of interest that you are an expert in, usually related to your profession. For example, if you are a physician, your niche might be health or medicine – or if you are an attorney, your niche might be taxation, legal issues or advice.

When picking a niche, remember that narrower the niche is, the more competitive the field is – and vice versa. The more competitive the field is, the more opportunity there is for you to become very successful with your website. Don’t get us wrong – it’s still possible to become famous and wealthy without a website – but the advantage of having a website is that you can quickly establish yourself as an expert in your field. And when you establish yourself as an expert in your field, you become more trustworthy and accessible to your existing and potential patients, clients, supporters and colleagues.

Think about what makes you special – is it your experience, your training, your knowledge, a combination of all of those factors? If so, you might want to consider establishing yourself as an expert in your field, which, in turn, could lead to the creation of a very successful website. For example, if you are an expert in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software, you could start a website specializing in ERP. Even if you don’t have a website already, you could establish one around this topic to become an expert in ERP and learn a lot in the process.