How to Increase Your WordPress Server Response Time – InMotion Hosting Tips

You might be asking yourself, “How can WordPress increase their server response time? I need my blog posts and pages to load as fast as possible!”

You want your visitors to reach your content as soon as possible, and one way to do that is through a fast server response time. When a user visits your site, they’re expecting to find the content they’re looking for and to be able to interact with it as quickly as possible. Your site’s response time directly affects how well visitors and potential customers interact with your site and whether or not they stay engaged enough to navigate your site’s pages. A slow response time can seriously damage your SEO (search engine optimization), and that’s something you don’t want to have happen.

Pro-Rating Comments

One of the simplest yet most powerful ways to increase your blog’s response time is to allow anonymous comments on your site. One of the main reasons why you should avoid placing a comment moderation policy on your blog is because it will inevitably hurt your response time. Even if you implement a complex rating system where people are required to login to leave a comment, there’s still the issue of the database query that happens whenever a comment is submitted. This is why you should always leave the comment moderation policy off of your site.

Having said that, you should still be careful about what kind of comments you allow on your site. You don’t want to give anyone total free rein to post whatever they want, and that’s mainly because you never know what kind of horrible thing someone will say! Another important factor to consider is that you should only allow anti-spam comments. This will help prevent people from using your site to spam other people or institutions. There are several anti-spam plugins available that can help you keep track of unwanted comments.

Clean Up The Code

Another way to increase your site’s response time is to thoroughly test the code on your site to make sure that the way it’s written is optimum for the hosting environment. You should always make sure that the code you write is clean and easily readable by others. This means that you should be careful not to use long strings of HTML or other code that can cause a lot of unnecessary stress to your server. Keep in mind that whenever you make changes to the code on your site, you need to test it thoroughly before you go live with those changes.

Reduce The Number Of Requests

You should also be mindful about the number of times your site makes requests to other servers. For example, whenever someone clicks a link to another website or blog within your site, that’s a request for that content to be loaded by the other server. You’ll usually find that the more requests you have, the longer it takes for your server to respond. To fix this issue, you can create a single page that links to all the content you want to offer, and then create internal WordPress pages for each of those posts so that when a user clicks a link, the content will load almost instantly without making any other requests.

You can also look into getting a fast DNS (domain name system) that will cache your domain’s records, which means that when a user visits your site, their DNS will already have the records for your domain’s IP address. This will reduce the number of times your server has to do a DNS lookup, which in turn will increase your site’s speed. You can also use a domain optimizer to make sure that your domain is set up correctly so that it can be easily found by search engines.

Use The Right Hosting

You can also improve your site’s response time by selecting the right hosting environment. There are several highly-ranked hosting companies that offer excellent service at a great price, but you have to do your research so that you can find a good match. You should only ever host your site with companies that are highly reputable and have a good reputation for delivering fast and powerful servers. Avoid any host that doesn’t have a good reputation or who charges too much for their services.

Your site’s response time is largely determined by your hosting environment. If you have a powerful enough server that can handle the additional requests, then you can greatly curtail the amount of time it takes to load a page. Make sure that you’re always looking for the best price possible without being tricked by any hosting company trying to up-sale you. You should also make sure that they offer a money back guarantee if you meet the right conditions. Having a host who understands the nature of a high-performing WordPress blog helps significantly in the process of getting it launched and maintaining it at its optimum capacity. If you need help selecting a good hosting company, then feel free to contact us!

Use A CDN (content delivery network)

Another way to improve your site’s speed is to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN). A CDN is a group of servers that take care of serving content to users, and in some cases, can also handle the load of content for your site. Because a CDN has many servers across the globe, it can quickly deliver content to anyone who requests it, which in turn will increase your site’s response time.

A CDN can also greatly reduce the number of requests your server makes to other servers. Whenever a user clicks a link on a page on your site that takes them to another website, that’s another request being made to that other server. Using a CDN with your site means that whenever someone clicks a link going to another website, the content will load almost instantly without making any additional requests. This can have a significant impact on your site’s speed as well as its engagement rate and potential for SEO (search engine optimization).

Deciding to use a CDN with your site can be somewhat difficult. You have to make sure that the CDN you choose is both reliable and effective, and you also need to consider the amount of bandwidth you’re willing to commit to. When choosing a CDN for your site, you must also decide whether or not you want to use one that’s hosted in the U.S or one that’s based overseas. If you decide that you do want to use a U.S.-based CDN, then make sure that you’re aware of all the legalities related to online distribution. There are several large CDNs that are based in the U.S. and can help make sure that your content is distributed quickly and effectively worldwide. If you’re looking for a reliable and affordable CDN, then take a look at

As you can see, there are several different ways to increase your WordPress server’s response time. Always make sure that your server is not overloading, and that you have the necessary hardware and software to handle the load. Keep in mind that a fast response time can only be achieved by following a methodical, step-by-step process.